Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2007

Impressions of the Analyst Strategy Meeting


By 2015...

Innovation created for the demanding constraints of emerging nations will deliver systematic disruption to technology solutions in developed nations during the next decade, according to Gartner, Inc. By 2015, Gartner estimates that IT engineered for developing economies will drive 20 percent of disruptive IT innovation worldwide.


You will be virtualized by 2011

Gartner Says 80 Percent of Active Internet Users Will Have A "Second Life'' in the Virtual World by the End of 2011


Blogs to peak at 100 millon and to drop at 30 million

According to Gartner, there are more than 200 million abandoned blogs…evidence of the fact that it takes time, energy, interest, and valuable content to sustain a blog. In fact, Gartner predicts that blogs will peak at 100 million in 2007 and will eventually drop down to 30 million.


Desktop-Virtualisierung wird das nächste große Ding

Die Anzahl der virtuellen Maschinen weltweit soll von 540.000 zu Ende 2006 schon bis zum Jahr 2009 auf über vier Millionen steigen, prognostiziert Gartner - und selbst das sei nur ein Bruchteil des potenziellen Markts.


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